letter to self

letter written by me for me for the future me

I want to remind myself of the growth that I’ve experienced and hopefully will continue as time surpasses. I’m very proud of you for showing love to yourself, to others, to absolutely everything. Don’t ever let any negative thoughts outgrow you, because the mind is very powerful more than we can even imagine I believe. Your existence is pure bliss here, so don’t ever try to put yourself down under any circumstances. Humanity will stay sane, if it doesn’t don’t lose any hope because there are still kind souls out there. May everything that you want to accomplish come, remember that it is not a race so always go at your own pace of things. Always surround yourself with so much love, you know I don’t only mean from people but from what brings you happiness even the smallest things. Even when you’re going through hardships, don’t ever lose yourself and remember how divine you are. To those who criticize, pretend you don’t hear them it doesn’t matter at all. Always surround yourself with vibrant people, the opposite would just hurt you. Always have your boundaries set, care for others but don’t become a people pleaser. A gentle reminder of everything you already know, up to this point at least. You deserve all of the greatest things! This is the 19 yr old version of yourself speaking, because your voice can evolve later on. In a comfortable position writing this to you right now hehe. One last thing, let tranquility move as you age like the waves of an ocean. Stay being the peaceful and precious being you are. I love you, always.